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Real Estate Agents

Basic information

Institutional Body



This procedure concerns the registration of a natural or juridical person in the register of real estate agents so that they may provide their services.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Chambers of commerce, Chamber of the location of the interested party - Registry Department
Number of Documents0
CostProvided without cost
Deadline of Implementation10 days
Process Diagram


Business formation (individual, corporate) *For company establishment see the link below

Application submission

The applicant, or in case of a juridical person, the legal representative thereof, shall not have been convicted and not be XXX for a felony or misdemeanour of theft, embezzlement, fraud, embezzlement in the service, forgery or abuse of insurance stamps, misappropriation of funds, perjury, fraudulent bankruptcy, lender fraud, usury, issue of unsecured check, or any currency crime.

The applicant, or in case of a juridical person its legal representative, shall not have been subjected to complete, partial, privative or auxiliary court wardship.

Need for identification

The applicant, or in case of a juridical person its legal representative, shall be a graduate of a Greek high school or an equivalent school abroad

Provision of real estate brokerage services shall be included in the statutory purpose of the juridical person (when such is the case)

Alternatively, where the applicant is a recognised real estate agent from and established in another EU/EEA Member State, the applicant shall only submit: A certificate of registration with a register or other competent authority or professional organisation in accordance with the legislation of the country of establishment.

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification document
  • Application – Solemn Declaration
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    Applicant status
    Legal entities, Persons
Real Estate Agents
What you will need
1ID card or passport for citizens of EU or EEA member-states and, in addition, residence and work permit in Greece or residence permit for an independent financial activityIdentification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
2Statutes of the company with any amendments and the GG of their publication, or certificates of registration in the company books of the Court of First Instance of the company headquarters, or GEMI certificate.Legal documents from legal entities
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entities
3Simple photocopy of diploma from a High-School or an equivalent school abroadProof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entities
4The procedure concerns the issue of a birth certificate and is addressed to those who have been drafted a birth certificate in a Greek registry office.Birth certificate
5Residence and work permit for third-country nationalsResidence Permit
6Yπεύθυνη δήλωση του Ν1599/1986 που θα αναγράφει: Με ατομική μου ευθύνη και γνωρίζοντας τις κυρώσεις(3), που προβλέπονται από τις διατάξεις της παρ. 6 του άρθρου 22 του Ν. 1599/1986, δηλώνω ότι: Α) «δεν έχω τεθεί σε ολική ή μερική, στερητική ή επικουρική δικαστική συμπαράσταση». Β) «δεν έχω καταδικαστεί ή δεν είμαι υπόδικος για κακούργημα ή για πλημμέλημα για τα αδικήματα της κλοπής, υπεξαίρεσης, απάτης, υπεξαίρεσης στην υπηρεσία, πλαστογραφίας ή κατάχρησης ενσήμων, απιστίας, ψευδορκίας, δόλιας χρεοκοπίας, καταδολίευσης δανειστών, τοκογλυφίας, έκδοσης ακάλυπτης επιταγής ή για κάποιο από τα εγκλήματα περί το νόμισμα.» Γ) «εξουσιοδοτώ το Ε.Ε.Α. όπως κατ’ εντολή και για λογαριασμό μου αιτηθεί και παραλάβει από την αρμόδια αρχή τα πιστοποιητικά που αφορούν τις ως άνω δηλώσεώς μου.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    Articles 197 – 204: Prerequisites
  • Description
    Amendment of Law 4072/2012, Art. 197 (prerequisites) and processing by KEP-EKE
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amending Law 4072/2012
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Activities of insurance agents and brokers
Legal means of protection or appeal
Judicial redress 
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

In case no response has been provided before the above deadline, it is considered that the application of the interested party has been implicitly accepted (tacit approval) and the licence has been issued, according to par. 4 of article 14 of Law 3844/2010 (GG 63/A/2010). The applicant, in the aforementioned case of tacit approval, may request a relevant certificate from the administrative authority responsible for issuing the act, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 10 of 3230/2004 (Government Gazette 44/A/2004).

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 822764

Name: Real Estate Agents