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Feasibility Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Ungulate Slaughterhouses and Poultry Slaughterhouses

Basic information

Institutional Body



The procedure concerns the approval of slaughterhouses, which contribute decisively to the improvement and modernisation of the hygienic conditions and technology of meat production, to the full utilisation of meat products and/or by-products, to the protection of public health and the environment and to the increase of livestock production, in general.

At a glance

Points of ServiceRegions, Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional Departments of Rural Economy and Veterinary Medicine - DAOK
Number of Documents0
Deadline of Implementation2 months
Process Diagram


Business formation (individual, corporate) *For company establishment see the link below

Conditions relating to construction, layout/configuration and equipment must be met in accordance with the institutional framework.

Fees / Imposts

  • Administrative Fee of € 500 for a capacity> 2 tn / day (during application submission the receipt of payment shall also be submitted along with the required supporting documents)
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (web banking)Digital (debit / credit card)Tax Office cashier
    e-Administrative Fee
  • Administrative Fee of € 250 for a capacity up to 2 tn / day (during application submission the receipt of payment shall also be submitted along with the required supporting documents)
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (web banking)Digital (debit / credit card)Tax Office cashier
    e-Administrative Fee
  • Administrative Fee of € 50 for food businesses located at islands -highlands (during application submission the receipt of payment shall also be submitted along with the required supporting documents)
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (web banking)Digital (debit / credit card)Tax Office cashier
    e-Administrative Fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes, Identification document
  • Application – Solemn Declaration, requesting approval of operation (includes the name of the natural person or the name of the legal person, the residence or the head office address, the trademark of the food business (if any) and the place of establishment of the unit).
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    Applicant status
    Persons, Legal entities
Feasibility Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Ungulate Slaughterhouses and Poultry Slaughterhouses
What you will need
1Brief technical description of the establishmentDrawings / studies by an engineer / architect
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
PersonsLegal entities
• General plan, plan of the facilities with detailed layout and description of the spaces as well as of the placement of the basic equipment in the space • Accurate description of the activity with special reference to capacity
2Necessary documents on a case-by-case basis from which the identity data of the interested party is derivedIdentification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    Provision of required documents and procedure of this particular process along with generic type, documents and procedure for attendant manufacturing activities described in Law 3982/2011 (GG Α 143), modifying/ renewing of licences and lastly deadine for tranfer or technical rebuilding.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Provision of perquisites and procedure. Amending Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) -Amending Article 5 of P.D. 79/2007 (Registration of the establish-ments) -Amending Article 6 of P.D. 79/2007 (Approval of establishment)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amending Article 2 of P.D. 79/2007 (definitions) Amending Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) Amending Article 12 of P.D. 79/2007 (Official Controls/Audits)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Abolishment of Article 11 of P.D. 79/2007 (Suspension – Revocation of the approval) - Abolishment of Article 13 of P.D. 79/2007 (Procedures for imposing measures regarding non-compliance) - Abolishment Article 29 of P.D. 79/2007 (Sanctions)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Transfer of responsibilities of Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 from ΕΦΕΤ to the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food as well as to the Veterinary Service at local authorities (O.T.A.: Α’ & Β’ level)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Prerequisites and implementation of EU regulations regarding hygiene conditions for food of animal origin, regarding official controls/audits and regarding animal health/well-being rules) Amended as follows: • Law 4587/2018 (GG Α 218), Article 16 -Amending Article 2 of P.D. 79/2007 (definitions) - Amending Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) - Amending Article 12 of P.D. 79/2007 (Official Controls/Audits) • Law 4472/2017 (GG Α 74), Article 122 – Amending Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) -Amending Article 5 of P.D. 79/2007 (Registration of the establish-ments) -Amending Article 6 of P.D. 79/2007 (Approval of establishment) • Law 4235/2014 (GG Α 32), Article 64 par.11 – Abolishment of Article 11 of P.D. 79/2007 (Suspension – Revocation of the approval) - Abolishment of Article 13 of P.D. 79/2007 (Procedures for imposing measures regarding non-compliance) - Abolishment Article 29 of P.D. 79/2007 (Sanctions) • Law 3955/2011 (GG Α 89), Article 11 – Transfer of responsibilities of Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 from ΕΦΕΤ to the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food as well as to the Veterinary Service at local authorities (O.T.A.: Α’ & Β’ level)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Fees of official controls/audits for living animals and food of animal origin from competent veterinarian authorities.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety
    Legal references
  • Description
    Hygiene of foodstuffs
    Legal references
  • Description
    Laying down specific hygiene rules for on the hygiene of foodstuffs
    Legal references
  • Description
    Official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/ EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Specific rules for the performance of official controls on the production of meat and for production and relaying areas of live bivalve molluscs in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council
    Legal references
  • Description
    Laying down uniform practical arrangements for the performance of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 2074/2005 as regards official controls
    Legal references
  • Description
    Microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
    Legal references
  • Description
    Protection of animals at the time of killing
    Legal references
  • Description
    Laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (Animal by-products Regulation)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Article 62 – Amending Article 3 of Law 111/1975 (terms and prerequi-sites to found slaughterhouses) - Article 64 - Abolishment of Article 2 of Law 111/1975 (approval to found slaughterhouses)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Founding slaughterhouses and poultry slaughterhouses
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Processing and preserving of meat
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Administrative Redress/Appeal
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

In case of expiration of the above deadline, the approval is considered issued (tacit approval) according art.14 of Law 3844/2010 and the applicant may request a formal attestation from the competent authority (art.10 of Law 3230/2004).

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 308784

Name: Feasibility Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Ungulate Slaughterhouses and Poultry Slaughterhouses