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Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'

Basic information

Institutional Body



This procedure concerns the announcement of the commencement of the profession of radio-electrician B (provision of services of installation, maintenance and repair of radio transmitters of all kinds, manufacturing of radio receivers, assembly of television receivers). It refers to citizens.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Regional Transport and Communication Directorates
Number of Documents0
CostProvided without cost
Deadline of Implementation20 days
Process Diagram


The applicant shall hold a degree in accordance with the provisions of RD 510/71 (art.2, par.5) and PD 258/2003 (art.2 par.6)

The applicant shall be a citizen of a EU member-state

The applicant shall not be subject to deprivation of rights due to an irrevocable conviction for insubordination or disobedience

The applicant shall be at least 18 years old

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes, Identification document
Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'
What you will need
1Copy of degree or certified copy of an equivalent degree from an EU countryProof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
2Solemn Declaration about meeting the requirements for natural personsSolemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
33 recent photosPhotograph
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
4Copy of the ID card or passportIdentification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    The articles below: - Articles 23-24: Framework of related professions, - Article 25: Registry, - Article 26: Abolishment of Legal Decree 2624/1953, of Royal Decree 510/1971, of Presidential Decree 258/2003, following the issuance of the Presidential Decrees provided in articles 23-25).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Regarding licensing for practicing the professions of Radioelectrician and Radiotechnician. The article 3 par.6 has been amended with article 2 of PD 258/2003 (Α΄ 235).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Regarding licensing of the profession of radioelectrician.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Simplification and facilitation of application submission through Civil Service Centers-Single Service Centers (ΚΕP –ΕΚΕ) regarding procedures under the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. Abolishment of JMD 52424/8501/2011 (Β΄ 2663).
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Repair of electronic and optical equipment
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Administrative redress / appeal
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

If there is no response before the above deadline, then the activity may be practiced (tacit approval). The competent authority issues a formal attestation for regarding the legal practice of the activity by the provider /applicant. In cases the submitted documents are not complete, the applicant is informed as soon as possible to submit the pending documents within a new deadline. On these occasions, the deadline of twenty (20) begins from the re-submission of the pending documents. If cases the competent authority does not approve the practice of the activity due to unmet requirements, then the applicant is informed accordingly as soon as possible (par.6 & 7 of art.14 of Law 3844/2010)

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 986195

Name: Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'