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Announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist, and e) Ichthyologist

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



The procedure concerns the announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession and Identity Card of the Geotechnical specialty: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist and e) Ichthyologist.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Department of Administrative Support and Personnel, GEOT.E.E., GEOTECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE
Digital provision pointsGeotechnic Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE) portal
Number of Documents0
Cost75 €
Process Diagram


All geotechnical professionals are members of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.E.E.), as follows: (a) agronomists, foresters, geologists and veterinarians, if they are graduates: - of the Higher Agricultural School of Athens. - of the departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, and Veterinary Medicine of the School of Geotechnical Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - of the departments of Geology of the Faculties of Science of the Greek Universities. - of the departments of Natural Sciences and Geography or the Department of Natural Sciences of the Physical and Mathematical Schools of the country, if registered before 1969, who can prove that they practice the geologist profession. - of similar preexisting University Faculties and departments or other equivalent ones that may be created in the future. - of recognized equivalent Schools abroad. (b) Ichthyologists graduates of the Departments of Physics or Biology of the Schools of Sciences or of the department of Natural Sciences of the Physical and Mathematical Schools of the country as well as graduates of recognized equivalent departments and Schools of abroad who serve or have served with the specialty of ichthyologist in the public sector or in a juridical person of public law (NPDD).

The announcement of the commencement of the practice of the geotechnical profession shall indicate the identity, contact and mailing de-tails of the announcer. To register as a member in the Chamber, one must: a) be a Greek national or a national of another Member State of the European Union. b) not have been deprived of the free management of his/her property; c) not have been irrevocably convicted for one of the crimes mentioned in the provision of article 18 par. 2 of Law 1811/51, as codified by PD 611/77 (GG 198 A).

The State fees for certificates or attestations issued by GEOT.E.E. (article 13 par. 1, case e of law 474/1984) shall have been paid; these are set at five (5) euros per certificate or attestation, except for the attestations of meeting of legal conditions for starting the practice of geotech-nical profession and the exercise of the geotechnical profession of par. 2 of article 2, where the fees in favor of the Chamber are set at fifty (50) euros and thirty (30) euros, respectively.

Fees / Imposts

  • Registration fee
    Payment type
    Checkout of a competent authority
  • Αnnouncement fee
    Payment type
    Checkout of a competent authority
  • Yearly subscription fee
    Payment type
    Checkout of a competent authority
    Annual fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist, and e) Ichthyologist
What you will need
1Simple photocopy of the degree. In case of a degree from abroad, the deed of recognition of its equivalence and correspondence by the competent authority (DOATAP ) or a decision of recognition of professional qualifications by the competent authority (SAEP ) shall be attachedProof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
2A simple photocopy of both sides of a police ID card or passport or drivers licenseIdentification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status


  • Description
    Exercise of the geotechnical profession
    Legal references
  • Description
    Determination of reciprocal fees and collection of resources of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.EE).
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Engineering activities and related technical consultancy
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Administrative appeal
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

If the deadline of three (3) months elapses without action, it is consid-ered that the legal conditions for practicing the geotechnical profession are met, according to the provisions of par. 1 of article 3 of law 3919/2011 (A`32), as in force. The interested party, in the aforementioned case of tacit approval, may request a relevant certificate from the administrative authority responsi-ble for the issuance of the deed, in accordance with paragraph 4 of arti-cle 10 of 3230/2004 (GG 44 / A/ 11- 2-2004) In the event that the legal conditions for the commencement of the ge-otechnical profession are not met or their fulfilment does not follow from the submitted supporting documents, GEOT.E.E., within the period of the above paragraph, prohibits the practice of the geotechnical pro-fession to the applicant, informing him/her of the reasons for the prohi-bition. The written prohibition is notified by registered mail to the address pro-vided by the interested party. GEOT.E.E. may at any time, even after the lapse of three (3) months from the announcement of the commencement of the practice of the ge-otechnical profession, prohibit the practice of the geotechnical profes-sion if it finds that the legal conditions for the practice of the geotech-nical profession are not met.

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 945847

Name: Announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist, and e) Ichthyologist