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Application Submission for Income Tax – Legal Persons and Legal Entities (establishment of a service provider)

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



The specific procedure concerns the electronic submission of income tax, for a service provider that is a Legal Person and Legal Entity established in Greece

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Tax Offices, Competent Local Tax Office (DOY)
Digital provision pointsMy AADE live - Portal for electronic submission (Legal Entities, Legal Persons)
Number of Documents0
CostProvided without cost
Process Diagram


The applicant shall have a TAXISnet username and password

Submission of a declaration by a legal person or legal entity, in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Code (L.4172 / 2013 - articles 2 and 45), which include: • capital companies established in the country or abroad, • personal companies established in the country or abroad, • non-profit legal entities governed by public or private law established in the country or abroad, including all kinds of associations and foundations, with the exception of all kinds of income generated in pursuit of their purpose, which are not are subject to tax, • cooperatives and their associations • civil law societies, civil for-profit or non-profit-making companies, holding or invisible if they are in business or profession; • consortia, • the legal entities defined in article 2 of the CCC. and are not included in one of the previous cases. In the case of legal persons and legal entities that keep single books, the provisions of article 47 of L.4172 / 2013 apply exclusively.

The submission to be made until the last working day of the sixth month, from the end of the tax year (art. 68.par.2 of L.4172 / 2013)

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes
    Application Submission for Income Tax – Legal Persons and Legal Entities (establishment of a service provider)
    What you will need
    1Statement of financial data from the business activity (E3) including the tax reform statement.Economic study
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital)
    Applicant status
    Legal entities
    2If the Legal person has income from renting real estate: detailed list of real estate rents (E2).Tax certificates
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital)
    Applicant status
    Legal entities


    • Description
      Income Tax Code (Κ.Φ.Ε.), as amended and still in force: - Decision by the Head of AADE Ε. 2019 /2020 (Form Ε3) - Decision by the Head of AADE 1020 /2020 (Form Ε3) - Decision by the Head of AADE Ε. 2026/2019 (Form Ε3) - Decision by the Head of AADE Α. 1034/2019 (Form Ε3) - Decision by the Head of AADE Α. 1037 /2019 (Form Ν) - Decision by the Head of AADE E. 2023 /2019 (Form Ν) - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1069/2018 - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1057/2018 - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1044/2018 - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1072/2018 - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1047/2017 - Decision by the Head of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1030/2017 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1042/2016 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1049/2016 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of AADE ΠΟΛ. 1070/2016 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1044/2015 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1060/2015 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1099/2015 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1102/2015 - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1043/2014 (Ε5) - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1054/2014 (Ε5) - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1040/2014 (Φ01-010, Φ01-012, Φ01-013) - Decision by the Gen. Secret. of Public Revenues of the Ministry of Finance ΠΟΛ. 1085/2015


    Process code
    NACE code
    Description of NACE code

    Other Information

    Languages supported

    ID: 755737

    Name: Application Submission for Income Tax – Legal Persons and Legal Entities (establishment of a service provider)