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Issuance of an operation licence of a service station for liquid fuels and energy in the case of operation's concession

Basic information

Institutional Body



This procedure concerns the granting of a new operation licence for a "public or private fuel station" due to a change of beneficiary, with or without electric vehicle battery charging devices (recharging points), by the relevant Regional Transport and Communication Services.

At a glance

Points of ServiceRegional units, Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit
Digital provision pointsChange of the holder of an operation licence for a public liquid fuel station within approved urban plans
Number of Documents0
Deadline of Implementation15 days
Process Diagram


Individuals or company members, are required to be either Greek citizens or citizens of member states of the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), in order to obtain an establishment and operation licence for a liquid or mixed or pure LPG fuel station for public use. Exceptionally, the granting of an establishment and operation licence for a liquid or mixed or pure LPG fuel station is permitted to expatriates from Russia, S. Epirus, Turkey and Egypt, as well as to children born from such persons. Expatriates from Turkey, when submitting the supporting documents, shall also show the valid residence card of the Ιmmigration Centre, after the registration number of this card has been filled in the application. For joint-stock companies having their registered office in the country, the nationality of the shareholders is not examined.

After the issuance of the operating licence and within a period of two (2) months, the new operator must submit to the licensing authority the new Fire Safety Certificate under its own name. If he/she fails to provide it, the authority shall revoke the operating licence.

The supporting documents sought ex officio by the licensing authority must be valid. In addition, no withdrawal of the fuel stations operating licence must be pending in application of any form of infringement certificate that has been issued by the licensing authority or notified to it by another audit authority (paragraph 2 of article 19 of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A 303) and article 20 of R.D. 465/1970 (GG A 150), as replaced by article 16 of Law 4439/2016 (GG Α 222)).

The applicant must have Taxisnet credentials for the necessary identification during the electronic submission of the Application - Solemn Declaration with the necessary supporting documents on the relevant platform and only for the Region of Attica, at:

Fees / Imposts

  • Issue of a permit 30€.In addition for each pump or distributor beyond the first (1st), 30 €. Liquid fuel station.
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierCheckout of a competent authorityDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Tax Office cashier
    e-Administrative Fee (variable)
  • Granting/modification of petroleum products licenses under Law 3054/2002. Licence for the operation of a liquid fuel station.
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierCheckout of a competent authorityDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Tax Office cashier
  • Annual fees for the licensing of petroleum products under Law 3054/2002. Licence for the operation of a liquid fuel station.
    Payment type
    Bank cashierCheckout of a competent authorityDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Tax Office cashier

What you will need

  • Application by an individual or legal person. In case the applicant is a legal person, the application along with the relevant legalise documents, shall be submitted by its legal representative.
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    All the following documents are submitted with the application, except for the fees and charges that are sought ex officio by the licensing authority. No identification verification documents are required for the following documents.
    Applicant status
    Legal entities, Persons
Issuance of an operation licence of a service station for liquid fuels and energy in the case of operation's concession
What you will need
11. In particular: aa) In case the applicant is an individual, he/she declares on his/her own responsibility that: (i) during the last eight years he/she has not been finally convicted for fuel adulteration and has not been convicted in the first instance for fuel smuggling, subject to the provisions of Law 4177/2013 (GG Α΄183), (ii) has the right to use and operate the fuel station, (iii) the facilities of the fuel station are in accordance with the technical descriptions and drawings accompanying the establishment licence and the building permit and no change has occurred in the fuel station facilities and in the fuel tanks capacity. (bb) In case the applicant is a legal entity, its legal representative shall declare under its responsibility that: (i) during the last eight years he/she has not been finally convicted and the legal person he/she represents has not been finally declared civilly liable for fuel adulteration, he/she has not been convicted in the first instance and the legal person he/she represents has not been declared civilly liable in the first instance for fuel smuggling, subject to the provisions of Law 4177/2013 (GG Α΄183), as in force, (ii) that the legal person has the right to use and operate the fuel station, (iii) the facilities of the fuel station comply with the technical descriptions and drawings accompanying the operation licence and no changes have been made to the fuel station facilities and to the fuel tanks capacity.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
2Register numbers of tanks, in accordance with par. 9 of article 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision no. F2-1617/2010 (GG B΄1980), as well as the matching of these with the existing Register numbers of the tanks of the holder of the operating licence.Table/Statement/Catalogue
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
3Solemn Declaration of the installer of the input-output system and the engineer in accordance with subparagraph g of paragraph 1 of article 18 of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A 303) and article 18 of R.D. 465/1970 (GG A 150), as applicable.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
For private liquid fuels stations, the applicable provisions of the implementation of the integrated input-output monitoring system shall apply, where applicable, when it becomes mandatory in these establishments.
4Form for inclusion in the Standard Environmental Commitments, according to the provisions of Joint Ministerial Decision no 46537/2013 (GG B 2036).Environmental Compliance Receipt
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
5A solemn declaration of appointment as Operations Manager of a fuel station by an individual holding a certificate of commencement of professional activity.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
6Existing Operating Licence.Rule
Filed by
Ex officio (digital)Ex officio (manual)
The licensing authority shall, as a minimum, attach to the application for transfer, without the submission of supporting documents by the applicant, copies of the following documents from the fuel stations archive: i) Existing operating licence. (ii) Fire safety certificate. (iii) Volumetric table of the tanks.
7Fire safety certificateCertification
Filed by
Ex officio (digital)Ex officio (manual)
The licensing authority shall, as a minimum, attach to the application for transfer, without the submission of supporting documents by the applicant, copies of the following documents from the fuel stations archive: i) Existing operating licence. (ii) Fire safety certificate. (iii) Volumetric table of the tanks
8Volumetric table of tanks.Certification
Filed by
Ex officio (digital)Ex officio (manual)
The licensing authority shall, as a minimum, attach to the application for transfer, without the submission of supporting documents by the applicant, copies of the following documents from the fuel stations archive: i) Existing operating licence. (ii) Fire safety certificate. (iii) Volumetric table of the tanks
9Private liquid fuel stations: At the time of application for an establishment liscence and thereafter every January, a Solemn Declaration of the owner of the private fuel station is submitted to the competent Service stating: a) the manner of use of the vehicles that are fueled and b) the registration numbers of the vehicles.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entitiesPersons
1.If the number of served cars is reduced below twenty (20) the owner must inform the competent Service and the Service in turn must revoke the license. In case the owner does not inform the Transport & Communication Service of the relevant Regional Unit is subject to the penalties provided for unlicensed fuel stations. 2. This document shall be submitted in the case of licensing a private liquid fuel station.


  • Description
    Procedure for changing the holder of an operation fuel station licence. (article 19 of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A΄ 303) and article 20 of R.D. 465/1970 (GG A΄ 150) are replaced by article 16 of Law 4439/2016 (GG Α 222).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Nationality requirements for the establishment and operation of a liquid fuel station.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Procedure for changing the holder of an operation fuel station licence (within urban plan)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Procedure for granting an operation fuel station licence (outside the urban plan).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Private fuel stations
    Legal references
  • Description
    Private fuel stations
    Legal references
  • Description
    Determination of terms and conditions for the creation, development, operation and maintenance of a Digital Operators Register for "Fuel and energy service stations, liquid and gaseous fuel stations, sheltered parking area with fuel pumps, as well as all types of public and private fuel stations" and any other necessary details.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Determination of fees for the issuance, amendment or extension of the permits of article 4 of Law 3054/2002 and annual contribution fees for the use of such permits, and determination of fines for non-payment or late payment of annual contribution fees.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amendment of the No. 7135/81/29-1-2019 (GG 714 B) decision of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, as in force, on ""Determination of terms and conditions for the creation, development, operation and maintenance of a Digital Operators Register for "Fuel and energy service stations, liquid and gaseous fuel stations, sheltered parking area with fuel pumps, as well as all types of public and private fuel stations" and any other necessary details".
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other 1. Anyone with a legitimate interest may appeal against this decision before the Coordinator of the competent Decentralized Administration, within a period of fifteen (15) days after becoming aware of the decision, in accordance with the provisions of articles 227 and 228 of Law 3852/2010 (GG A' 87). 2. A request for remedy against this decision may be submitted by anyone who has a legitimate interest, within a period (15) days after becoming aware of it, before the body that issued the decision (article 118 of Law 4558/2018 (GG Α' 133).
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

If the period of fifteen (15) working days elapses without the licensing authority approving or rejecting the request, it is deemed that the person concerned is legally operating his/her fuel station business without any additional restrictions. In the case of tacit approval, the applicant may request a certificate from the licensing authority in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 10 of Law 3230/2004 (GG Α΄ 44).

Other Information


1. In the event of changes to any of the elements of the public or private liquid fuel station establishment, the new documents, drawings and relevant technical report describing the changes must be submitted for approval before their implementation. The approval of the requested changes by the competent authority must take place within fifteen (15) working days from the date of submission of the application. Where the establishment of the fuel station have been modified, the application for the transfer of the operating licence shall be accompanied by the required supporting documents, as referred to in paragraph 4 of article 18 of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A 303) and article 20 of R.D. 465/1970 (GG A 150). 2. (Α)."Categories of fuel stations" Depending on their use, fuel stations are divided into: (a) Private fuel stations, which the natural or legal person, who has the right to operate them, uses them for the servicing of vehicles owned by him/her or as otherwise defined in article 22 hereof. Such fuel stations may be established if the number of vehicles is greater than twenty (20). In particular for the fuel stations referred to in par. 4 of article 22 there is no numerical limitation. (b) Public fuel stations, which serve vehicles owned by any person and for the provision of services and products and other activities, as referred to in article 2, paragraph a, of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A’ 303) and article 18 of R.D. 465/1970 (GG A’ 150), as applicable. (B) Article 22 (Private fuel stations) of P.D. 1224/1981 (GG A’ 303) and R.D. 465/1970 (GG A’ 150), as amended.

ID: 705320

Name: Issuance of an operation licence of a service station for liquid fuels and energy in the case of operation's concession