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Certification of Agricultural Advisers

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



The procedure concerns the certification of persons (Agricultural Advisors) or legal entities (Agricultural Advisory Providers) for the provision of specialised consulting services to farmers. It is addressed to citizens, businesses and legal entities.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Development and Applications Directorate, HELLENIC AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION- DEMETRA
Digital provision pointsProvision of Agricultural Advisers System
Number of Documents0
Cost20 €
Deadline of Implementation1 year
Process Diagram


Business formation (individual, corporate) *For company establishment see the link below

The applicant shall have username και password in order to have access to the platform:

The applicant must be a Greek citizen or a citizen of an EU member state (of the EEA or other affiliated countries or in agreement with the EU, in order to be able to provide services across the territory of the EU) Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The applicant must hold a degree in Agronomy, Veterinarian, Forester, Environmentalist, Geologist, Environmental Engineer, Economist, Oe-nologist, Agricultural Technology, Forestry Technologist and Natural Environment Management from the Greek educational institutions (both Higher and Technological Educational Institutions - A.E.I/T.E.I.), or they must hold recognized equivalent diplomas from foreign schools. Especially for Economists, a certification of knowledge of the agricultural sector is required. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The applicant must hold a "Certificate of successful attendance" of the required introductory training program ran by ELGO-DIMITRA. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The applicant must have a valid professional license from the relevant Chamber, if it is a requirement for his/her professional specialty. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The applicant must not trade in agricultural and veterinary supplies and agricultural products, and must not work in such companies. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

Additional prerequisites apply for employees in the Civil Service or in the broader public sector, the local government and its bodies, for permanent civil servants or for those employed in contracts of Private Law for an indefinite period of time, as well as for members of the Teaching Scientific Staff of Higher and Technological Educational Institutions (A.E.I.-ΤΕ.Ι.): they must provide advice within the scope of their duties and responsibilities of the service or body they work for, and are related to the rural field. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

In the legal entity there must be a participation or full employment of at least three (3) certified as natural persons (Agricultural Advisers), of which at least two (2) must be Agronomists (at Higher Education level). Prerequisite is valid only in case a legal person applies.

The legal entity, its executives and shareholders must not: (a) practice trade in agricultural and veterinary supplies and agricultural products b) be shareholders in a company which trades in agricultural and veterinary supplies and agricultural products c) work in a company which trades in agricultural and veterinary supplies and agricultural products Prerequisite is valid only in case a legal person applies.

A certified natural person (Agricultural Advisor) who participates or works for an Agricultural Advisory Provider cannot participate or work simultaneously for another Agricultural Advisory Provider. Prerequisite is valid only in case a legal person applies.

The applicant must have not been be convicted of an offense related to his / her professional activity nor must have been convicted of an economic offense. Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The applicant must have no relation at all to the control of the natural persons (Agricultural Advisors – Γεωργικοί Σύμβουλοι ‘ΓΣ’) nor of the legal persons (Agricultural Advisory Providers – Φορείς Παροχής Γεωργικών Συμβουλών ‘ΦΠΓΣ’) Prerequisite is valid only in case a natural person applies.

The legal person must be a legal entity in accordance with current national legislation. Prerequisite is valid only in case a legal person applies.

In order to ensure the knowledge of the specific area, as well as the economy of the consulting services, and the regional development and decentralization, then there must be a main or secondary facility in the specific region where the company provides its services. Prerequisite is valid only in case a legal person applies.

Fees / Imposts

  • During submission of application it is also submitted the proof of fee payment.
    Payment type
    Bank cashierCheckout of a competent authorityDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Tax Office cashier
    Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
  • Application-Solemn Declaration with which is requested certification as Agricultural Advisors or Agricultural Advisory Providers.
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital)
    In case the application concerns natural persons, in the application are listed the subject areas for which the certification is requested.
    Applicant status
    Legal entities, Persons
Certification of Agricultural Advisers
What you will need
1Copy of police ID or passportIdentification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
2Copies of diplomasProof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
In case the diploma has been obtained from abroad, it must be accompanied by an official translation into Greek. For Economists specifically, it is required a supplementary diploma (postgraduate degree or doctoral) that certifies knowledge in agricultural field, or alternately knowledge can be proven by relevant experience of at least two (2) years.
3Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insuranceProof of Insurance
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
For Economists specifically, it is required experience of at least two (2) years that proves knowledge in agricultural field, in case such is not occurred by relevant degree. - For public and private sector employees: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance - The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the duration and type of experience, as well as the details of the employer. The public sector employees can alternatively, instead of the insurance companys certificate/attestation, provide a certificate from the relevant public sector body, which indicates the type and duration of the experience. For the self-employed: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance - The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the object of employment (studies, projects, etc.) that is relevant to the agricul-tural sector - At least one relevant contract or a note for services rendered, that indicatively covers the duration and type of his/her experience The working experience time is calculated after obtaining the basic degree. For experience gained abroad, the supporting documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Greek.
4Application – Solemn Declaration that states exactly the duration and type of experience, as well as the details of the employer (for employees) or that states exactly the object of employment (studies, projects, etc.) that is relevant to the agricultural sector (for the self-employed).Proof of Previous Service
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
For Economists specifically, it is required experience of at least two (2) years that proves knowledge in agricultural field, in case such is not occurred by relevant degree. For public and private sector employees: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance - The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the duration and type of experience, as well as the details of the employer. The public sector employees can alternatively, instead of the insurance companys certificate/attestation, provide a certificate from the relevant public sector body, which indicates the type and duration of the experience. For the self-employed: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance - The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the object of employment (studies, projects, etc.) that is relevant to the agricutural sector - At least one relevant contract or a note for services rendered, that indicatively covers the duration and type of his/her experience The working experience time is calculated after obtaining the basic degree. For experience gained abroad, the supporting documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Greek.
5Submitted only by the self-employed: At least one relevant contract or a note for services rendered, that indicatively covers the duration and type of his/her experience.Proof of Previous Service
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
For Economists specifically, it is required experience of at least two (2) years that proves knowledge in agricultural field, in case such is not occurred by relevant degree. For public and private sector employees: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance - The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the duration and type of experience, as well as the details of the employer. The public sector employees can alternatively, instead of the insurance companys certificate/attestation, provide a certificate from the relevant public sector body, which indicates the type and duration of the experience. For the self-employed: - Certificate/attestation from the relevant insurance company, which indicates the duration of the insurance -The application – Solemn Declaration must state exactly the object of employment (studies, projects, etc.) that is relevant to the agricutural sector - At least one relevant contract or a note for services rendered, that indicatively covers the duration and type of his/her experience The working experience time is calculated after obtaining the basic degree. For experience gained abroad, the supporting documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Greek.
6Copy of valid license to practice the respective profession, from the relevant Chamber.Work Permit
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Submitted only if required.
7Certificate of Successful AttendanceCertificate
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
8Solemn -DeclarationSolemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Solemn -Declaration that all following prerequisites are met: - The applicant has not been be convicted of an offense related to his / her professional activity nor must have been convicted of an economic offense - The applicant has no relation at all to the control of the natural persons (Agricultural Advisors – Γεωργικοί Σύμβουλοι ‘ΓΣ’) nor of the legal persons (Agricultural Advisory Providers – Φορείς Παροχής Γεωργικών Συμβουλών ‘ΦΠΓΣ’) - The applicant does not trade in agricultural and veterinary supplies and agricultural products, and must not work in such companies - For employees in the Civil Service or in the broader public sector, the local government and its bodies, for permanent civil servants or for those employed in contracts of Private Law for an indefinite period of time, as well as for members of the Teaching Scientific Staff of Higher and Technological Educational Institutions (A.E.I.-ΤΕ.Ι.): that provide advice within the scope of their duties and responsibilities of the service or body they work for, and are related to the rural field.
9Legal documentation for the legal entity (Case by case).Legal documents from legal entities
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Legal entities
The necessary legal documentation that proves the establishment and legal representation (such as articles of association, certificates of changes, respectively GG, composition of the Board of Directors in a body in case of SA, etc. - depending on its legal form). From the above documents it must be clear: the legal composition, all relevant amendments to the articles of association, the person (s) who legally responsible for the company (legal representative, signature right, etc.), any third parties who have been granted authority for representation, as well as the term of office for the member and/or members of the governing body / legal representative.
10Details of the employed certified Agricultural AdviserStatus of staff / associates
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Legal entities
Details of the employed certified Agricultural Adviser (Full Name / Specialty / Thematic Units / Registration Number ELGO-DIMITRA), the employment contracts and the staff list, according to the provisions of article 16 of Law 2874/2000 (GG 286A / 2000).
11Εmployment contractsProof of Work
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Legal entities
Details of the employed certified Agricultural Adviser (Full Name / Specialty / Thematic Units / Registration Number ELGO-DIMITRA), the employment contracts and the staff list, according to the provisions of article 16 of Law 2874/2000 (GG 286A / 2000).
12Staff listStatus of staff / associates
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
Legal entities
Details of the employed certified Agricultural Adviser (Full Name / Specialty / Thematic Units / Registration Number ELGO-DIMITRA), the employment contracts and the staff list, according to the provisions of article 16 of Law 2874/2000 (GG 286A / 2000).


  • Description
    The Ministerial Decision prescribes the Agricultural Advisory System for agricultural holdings and specifically: - Article 5 (Competent authorities for the certification) - Article 6 (Prerequisites for the certification) - Article 7 (Training of Agricultural Advisors) - Article 8 (Procedure for the certification) - Article 9 (Registry) Amended by MD 1583/335048 (GG Β΄5538/2020), article 8 – amendment article 8 of MD 163/13692/2018 (Certification Procedure)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Regulation (ΕU) 1306/2013 from the Eurοpean Parliament and the Council (Common Agricultural Policy)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Facilitation and incorporation of administrative processes under the responsibility of Ministry of Rural Development and Food in the system of information and completion of procedures via Points of Single Contact
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amending JMD. 155515/6−5−2011 (GG1245 Β΄)
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Administrative redress

It is always issued a decision regarding the certification or not of the interested party (natural or legal person). Administrative redress, against the decisions of the Board of Directors of ELGO - DIMITRA, within 10 days from the date of notification of the relevant decision to the candidate/applicant. The redress concern: a) the evaluation of the application of the interested natural person and legal person, b) the certification c) the imposition of sanctions on a certified natural or legal person. The Board of Directors of ELGO - DIMITRA sets up Committees to examine the appeals and makes a decision which clearly states the reasons. The decision of the Board of Directors is notified to the applicant and to the Directorate of Agricultural Policy, Documentation and International Relations of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 646609

Name: Certification of Agricultural Advisers