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Notification of operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO)

Basic information

Institutional Body



The procedure concerns the entry into operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO) with indicative Activity Code Number (KAD) The notification shall contain the information necessary for the activity carried out and shall be submitted by the operator of the activity, who shall be solely accountable for the information contained therein.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units
Digital provision pointsNotify business
Number of Documents0
Cost200 €
Deadline of Implementation2 hours
Process Diagram


The applicant should, when this is feasible, hold TAXISnet codes for digital submission of the Notification.

During the operation of the activity, the operator must maintain a file containing the supporting documents required in each case at the premises where the activity is carried out.

Those eligible to operate a driving school or branch thereof are: a) natural persons with a valid certificate for lawful practice of the profession of driving instructor. b) legal persons, where one (1) of their members or at least one (1) of their staff has the status of instructor of candidate drivers and also holds a valid certificate for lawful practice of the profession of driving instructor.

The management of studies and responsibility for the proper functioning of the KETHEYO and compliance with the relevant legal provisions is entrusted to a Director of Studies, who must be a car and motorcycle driving instructor with a valid certificate for practising the profession.

The KETHEYO shall consist of at least three (3) separate areas, including one (1) reception area, one (1) classroom and one (1) WC. The premises of the KETHEYO must have the KETHEYO as primary use, must be a single space and not part of a residence. The reception area must be well lit and have adequate ventilation. The classroom must meet the ratio of 2.0 m²/person, which also determines the maximum number of trainees, rounded down to the nearest whole number. The classroom must also be a single space, have good lighting, adequate ventilation, good heating and adequate soundproofing. The WC must be directly accessible from the reception area. KETHEYOs may not operate in a building that houses the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport or the Directorates of Transport and Communications and Vehicle Technical Inspection Centres (KTEO) of the country’s regional units.

Shared premises A car and motorcycle driving school, KETHEYO, vocational training school for granting a Certificate of Professional Competence (PEI), Vocational Training School for Transportation of Hazardous Loads (SEKOOMEE) and Vocational Training School for Couriers (SEKAM) may share the same premises, provided they belong to the same natural or legal person. In the case of shared premises, the following are also required: a) Compliance with all of the requirements for operating the above schools/centres, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. b) Use of different classrooms if class times overlap. c) The reception area and common spaces of the above schools/centres may be shared, but must be separate from classrooms. Use of auxillary spaces must not disturb the use of classrooms.

Car and motorcycle driving instructors with a valid certificate for practising the profession may teach at KETHEYOs. Instructors who have had their certificate for practising the profession of instructor revoked due to physical incapacity may teach. Also eligible to teach are holders of university or technical educational institute degrees or diplomas from Greece or abroad – recognised as equivalent schools – with specialisation in the subject matter to be taught, as follows: a) For topics relating to vehicle mechanical or technical issues, driving technique, active and passive safety systems and methods, and environmental protection/energy saving, the prospective instructor must hold a degree or diploma from a university or higher technical educational institute or equivalent school whose graduates have the right to undertake engineering projects, or in another field related to the above topics. b) For topics related to medical conditions and driving, road accident first aid, instructors must hold a degree or diploma from a university or higher technical educational institute or equivalent school, in medicine or nursing. c) For topics related to road traffic legislation and social conduct/education of drivers, instructors must hold a degree or diploma from a university or higher technical educational institute or equivalent school of Law, Social Sciences or another field relevant to the above topics. Additionally Greek police officers with proven experience in traffic directorates or departments may provide instruction on the above topics. d) The topics referred to in cases a, b, and c may also be taught by holders of a degree or diploma from a university or higher technical educational institute or equivalent school in a field other than the ones mentioned above, if they have completed training at a vocational training institute in the ‘Driving Instructor’ department. A list of the names and qualifications of the centre’s director of studies and teaching staff shall be posted in a prominent position within the KETHEYO premises.

Outside the KETHEYO and in a prominent position, a sign must be posted with the words a) ‘THEORY TRAINING CENTRE FOR CANDIDATE DRIVERS’ in blue or black, and b) the international symbol ‘L’ in red.

Fees / Imposts

  • For notification of operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO).
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)
    e-Administrative Fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes
    Notification of operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO)
    What you will need
    1Proof of submission of notification of operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO).Certificate
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    2A photocopy of the valid certificate of lawful practice of the profession of driving instructor, if the operator of the activity is a natural person, . If the operator of the activity is a legal person, a photocopy of the valid certificate of lawful practice of the profession of driving instructor of a member of the legal person or personnel with the status of instructor. Photocopy of the Director of Studies’ valid certificate of lawful practice of the profession of driving instructor. Photocopies of the valid certificates of lawful practice of the profession of car and motorcycle driving instructor of the instructors collaborating in any way with the KETHEYO. Photocopies of the degrees, diplomas and any other documentary evidence of the other teaching staff specialising in the subject matter to be taught.Work Permit
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    3Certificate of primary use of the space from a private engineer.Certificate
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    The certificate is accompanied by the documents provided for in Article 5(e) of Joint Ministerial Decision No Δ30/Α3/276110/2021.
    4Solemn declaration of non-prohibition of the activity by the co-ownership regulation.Solemn Declaration
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    Only if the activity is housed in a multi-storey building.
    5Passive fire protection study for KETHEYOs housed in buildings subject to the application of Presidential Decree 41/2018 (GG I 80) or of Presidential Decree 71/1988 (GG I 32), as well as an active fire protection study.Drawings/studies by an engineer/architect
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    These studies should be copies of those officially deposited with the information systems for issuing of building permits (e-Adies) and/or fire protection. If the studies have not been submitted via the information systems, they must come from the hard-copy file kept by the Building Service and/or Fire Service and bear the seal of the corresponding service.
    6Proof of payment of the administrative fee for the activity in question.Proof of payment / Receipt
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    7Photocopy of valid charter of the legal person and amendments to said articles of association.Legal documents from legal entities
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entities
    Only for legal persons not required to register with the General Commercial Register (GEMI).
    8Photocopy of legal documents verifying representation of the legal person.Status of staff / associates
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entities
    Only for legal persons not required to register with the General Commercial Register (GEMI).


    • Description
      Determining the procedure, content and supporting documents, administrative fees and penalties for notifying the operation of a car and motorcycle driving school, branches thereof and Centres for Theory Training Centres for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYOs).
      Legal references
    • Description
      Simplification of the framework for the exercise of economic activities within the remit of the Ministries of Development and Investment, Infrastructure and Transport, Health and Tourism, provisions for productive activities and development support and other urgent provisions.
      Legal references
    • Description
      New institutional framework for the exercise of economic activity and other provisions.
      Legal references


    Process code
    NACE code
    Description of NACE code
    Driving school activities
    Legal means of protection or appeal
    Other Special administrative appeal
    Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
    Tacit approval

    The special administrative appeal referred to in Article 227 of Law 3852/2010 (GG I 87) shall be lodged against the decision of the competent authority referred to in Article 2 to impose a fine under paragraph 8.

    Other Information


    No supporting documents shall be submitted at the time of submission of the notification. The operator of the activity must keep the relevant supporting documents and proof of submission of the notification at the location where the activity is carried out, in accordance with Article 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No Δ30/Α3/276110/2021. Any natural or legal person shall have the right to notify the operation of as many KETHEYOs as they wish in one or more Regional Units, in accordance with the terms of the above Decision. The code the activity receives following notification by the regional units shall be entered in the Computerised Results Records System (MISKA).

    ID: 591907

    Name: Notification of operation of a Theory Training Centre for Candidate Drivers (KETHEYO)