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Registration in Greece, for VAT declaration purposes, of an enterprise established in another EU Member State

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



It is possible to assign a tax identification number (TIN) to taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union who do not have a TIN in Greece and carry out transactions that are taxed in Greece, without the obligation to appoint a tax representative.

At a glance

Points of Service1st Tax Office of Athens, INDEPENDENT AUTHORITY FOR PUBLIC REVENUE
Number of DocumentsNot required
CostProvided without cost
Deadline of Implementation5 days
Process Diagram


The applicant must be a taxable person and must have received a tax identification number for VAT purposes in their Member State of establishment.

The taxable person interested in receiving a TIN in Greece in order to submit VAT declarations must be established in another EU Member State.

The interested taxable person may not have appointed, at the same time, a tax representative for VAT purposes in Greece.

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means


    • Description
      Taxable persons (Article 35(1)): - case b – the taxable person established within another Member State, for transactions carried out by him, for which the place of taxation is within the territory of Greece, except for transactions for which the recipient is liable and where he has not appointed a tax representative, in accordance with Article 36(4)(e). Obligations of taxable persons (Article 36(4)): - case e – optional possibility for taxable persons established in another EU Member State who do not have an establishment in Greece to appoint a tax representative Amendments: - Law 3453/2006 (GG I/74), Article 5(1d) - Law 2992/2002 (GG I/54/2002), Article 18(3)
      Legal references
    • Description
      Procedure for assignment of TINs and the submission of periodic VAT returns for the payment of VAT by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union: - Article 1 – Procedure for assigning TIN - Article 2 – Submission of VAT returns and payment of VAT - Article 3 – Contractor’s method of payment - Article 4 – Entry into force
      Legal references
    • Description
      Amendment of Decision Circular No 1113/23.5.2013 of the Minister for Finance and the Deputy Minister for Finance, ‘Procedure for assigning a TIN and submitting periodic VAT returns for the payment of tax by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union.
      Legal references
    • Description
      Amendment and supplementation of Decision Circular 1113/13 of the Minister and Deputy Minister for Finance ‘Procedure for assigning a TIN and submitting periodic VAT returns for the payment of tax by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union’.
      Legal references


    Process code
    NACE code
    Description of NACE code
    Legal means of protection or appeal
    Administrative appeal 

    If it is not possible to verify the data through VIES

    Other Information

    Languages supported

    ID: 590700

    Name: Registration in Greece, for VAT declaration purposes, of an enterprise established in another EU Member State