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Notification of the commencement of operation or change of details of a swimming pool within a tourist accommodation

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



The procedure concerns actions that must be taken by the operator of a swimming pool within tourist establishments before the swimming pool starts operating. The notification procedure has replaced the issuing of a permit to operate a bathing pool. Swimming pools within tourist accommodation establishments operate legally after the submission of a notification of operation. The required control of the legal operation of swimming pools shall be carried out a posteriori by the competent authorities.

At a glance

Points of ServiceAvailable only digitally
Digital provision pointsNotifyBusiness
Number of Documents0
Cost100 €
Deadline of Implementation10 minutes
Process Diagram


A prerequisite for the notification of a swimming pool is the prior notification of the operation of a tourist accommodation.

The operator of the swimming pool must have Taxisnet codes and access to notify business.

Fees / Imposts

  • For the submission of a notification an administrative fee of one hundred (100) Euros must be paid in accordance with Article 11 of Law 44422/2016.
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)
    e-Administrative Fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes
    Notification of the commencement of operation or change of details of a swimming pool within a tourist accommodation
    What you will need
    1Certificate issued by a competent holder of a diploma-certificate member of the Technical Chamber of Greece or of a graduate-member of the Professional-Scientific Association for Technological Education of Engineers (EETEM), in accordance with his professional rights, that the swimming pool is constructed constructed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the applicable specifications of electromechanical adequacy.Certificate
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a record of the documents required for the operation of the bathing pool, which he must produce when requested by the competent inspection authorities.
    2Solemn Declaration by a competent holder of a diploma-certificate member of the Technical Chamber of Greece or of a graduate-member of the Professional-Scientific Association for Technological Education of Engineers that the swimming pool meets the applicable requirements of Article 2(1) of Law 3766/2009.Solemn Declaration
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a file with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which he/she must present when requested by the competent inspection authorities.
    3A permit to build up or conclude the maintenance procedure in accordance with the provisions of Law 3843/2010 or Law 4178/2013 or a certificate of subjection to the provisions of Article 24 of Law 4014/2011.Βuilding permit
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a file with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which he must present when requested by the competent inspection authorities.
    4Drawing of the tank signed by a licensed engineer member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), in accordance with his professional rights.Drawings/studies by an engineer/architect
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a file with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which he must present when requested by the competent inspection authorities.
    5Technical Report of an Engineer, holder of a Diploma and member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, including only the following information: - source of supply water, - tank capacity, horizontal dimensions and depths thereof, - rate of recirculation of water, - filters (filtration surface in m2, infiltration capacity, number), type recirculation pumps, horsepower, provision), evacuation (storage capacity), - overflowers, depth marking, - description of how waste water is to be disposed of, - disinfection, (a mode of disinfection, algae control, method of regulation, RH residue control), - control of water quality and laboratory tests, - bathing safety measures, life jackets, list, emergency phones, signage, bottom slope, - appointment of a Safety Officer with reference to his/her duties in relation to ensuring the provision of first aid to bathers during the operation of the bathing pool.Drawings/studies by an engineer/architect
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a file with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which he must produce when requested by the competent inspection authorities.
    6Solemn Declaration of the operator that the safety rules are met, in accordance with the Health Regulation Π/443/1973 (B΄ 87) as amended by Γ4/1150/1976 (B΄937) and ΔYΓ2/80825/2005 (B΄120) Joint Decision of the Ministers of Interior and Health and Social Solidarity.Solemn Declaration
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    The operator must keep a file with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which he must produce when requested by the competent inspection authorities.


    • Description
      Simplification of the framework for the operation and use of swimming pools.
      Legal references


    Process code
    NACE code
    Description of NACE code
    Hotels and similar accommodation


    Subsequent to the notification and during operation, the operator must keep a record with the documents required for the operation of the swimming pool, which must be presented when requested by the competent inspection authorities. The notification shall include: (a) the data on the operator of the establishment in which the bathing pool operates and the data of the person responsible for the the undertaking responsible for the operation of the bathing pool, where this does not coincide with the operator of the accommodation establishment, (b) the exact location of the tourist accommodation, i.e. the address and geographical coordinates, (c) the Activity Code Number of the tourist accommodation establishment If the information notified for the operation of the swimming pool is to be changed for any reason, the operator is obliged to notify the intended change via the platform.

    ID: 357446

    Name: Notification of the commencement of operation or change of details of a swimming pool within a tourist accommodation