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Notifying of the exercise of the dental technician assistant profession

Basic information

Institutional Body



The procedure refers to the announcement of the exercise of the dental technician assistant profession and is addressed to natural persons.

At a glance

Points of ServiceRegional units, Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Directorate of Public Health / Department of Health Services and Health Professions of the Region in which the applicant is located / Directorate of Doctors, Other Scientists and Health Professionals.
Number of Documents0
Cost38 €
Deadline of Implementation1 month
Process Diagram


The applicant must be a graduate of the specialty of dental technician assistant of the Vocational Schools (EPAS) of Greece or of an equivalent school in Greece or abroad.

The applicant must not have been irrevocably convicted of a felony or one of the offences of theft, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, forgery, counterfeiting, grievous bodily harm, drug offences or offences relating to public morals.

Fees / Imposts

  • Public Treasury fee.
    Payment type
    Tax Office cashier
    Stamp Duty
  • Payment type
    Tax Office cashier
    Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
  • Application - Solemn Declaration of the interested party (Article 8 of Law 1599/1986) with the following subject: "Declaration of the exercise of the profession of dental technician assistant".
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    In the Application - Solemn Declaration, the applicant must also declare that they have not been convicted of any criminal offence or any act related to their professional capacity or declare the criminal offences for which they have been convicted.
    Applicant status
Notifying of the exercise of the dental technician assistant profession
What you will need
1Copy of a degree from a university in Greece (AEI) or A decision on professional equivalence issued by the Autonomous Department for the Implementation of European Legislation (A.T.E.E.N.) or A copy of a degree from a foreign university and a certificate of equivalence issued by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (DOATAP)Proof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
2Two photos.Photograph
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
3Photocopy of your identity card or passport or other equivalent document, for Greek citizens.Identification document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
If the applicant is of foreign origin and nationality, they must submit a residence and work permit. If the applicant is a Turkish, Cypriot or Albanian national of Greek origin, they must submit a Special Expatriate Identity Card (EDTO).

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    Regulating the profession of dental technicians and dental technician assistants. Amendment: - Law 4058/2012 (A63) par. 1 Article 37 - "Amendment of Article 24(3) of Law No. 3868/2010 (Expiry of the deadline for the examination of certain graduates for the acquisition of a certificate for the profession of dental technician)" - para. 2 Article 37 - "Amendment of Article 24(5) of Law No. 3868/2010 (Competent authority)".
    Legal references
  • Description
    Dental Technician profession - Dental laboratories and other provisions. Amendment: - Law No. 3868/2010 (A 129) Article 24(1) - "Amendment of Article 1 of Law No. 1666/1986 (Titles of procedures)" / Article 24(2) - "Amendment of Article 1(2) of Law No. 1666/1986 (Eligible applicants) / Article 24(3) - Amendment of Article 1(3) of Law No. 1666/1986 (Granting of permission to graduates of secondary vocational education) / Article 24(4) - Amendment of Article 1 (3bb) of Law No. 1666/1986 (Members of the Examination Commission).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Simplification of procedures of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity competence and their integration into the Citizen Service Centres (KEPs) operating as Points of Single Contact (PSCs). This Joint Ministerial Decision was supplemented by the Joint Ministerial Decision No. Γ5Β/Γ.Π.οικ.14015/2020 (B΄ 822) and amended Interministerial Decision ΔΙΑΔΠ/Α1/13310/2002. Erratum published in government gazette B 1379.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Simplification of procedures and shortening of the processing time of administrative affairs of the Ministry of Health and Welfare competence.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Proficiency in Greek language.
    Legal references
  • Description
    On the type of healthcare professional attestation
    Legal references
  • Description
    On the provisions of Law 3919/2011 (Government Gazette 32 A) as amended by article 4 paragraph 16 of Law 4038/2012 (Government Gazette 14 A).
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

After the expiry of the above deadline, the applicant operates the laboratory lawfully (Article 3 of Law 3919/2011 - A 32). In the case of tacit approval, the applicant may request the relevant certificate of operation from the administrative authority responsible for issuing the act, in accordance with par. 4 of Article 10 of Law No. 3230/2004 (Α΄ 44).

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 289677

Name: Notifying of the exercise of the dental technician assistant profession