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Announcement for the upgrade to a Class A Accountant / Tax Consultant

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



With the completion of this procedure, the practice of the profession of tax accountant Class A is allowed.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Member Registry Organization Department, ECONOMIC CHAMBER OF GREECE
Digital provision pointsDigital Services of Economic Chamber of Greece (OEE)
Number of Documents0
Cost35 €
Deadline of Implementation90 days
Process Diagram


Submission of an Application for the registration of a member in the OEE Register of Accountants. - announcement for the upgrade to a Class A accountant

The photo must be recent. • The person pictured should be exclusively alone, without displaying chair backs, toys, or other persons • The background should be uniform or homogeneous in color. A light background is required, preferably white or very light gray • The shoulders should be aligned in the image • Color 480 pixels height and 360 pixels width or dimensions 40mm x 30mm. (height to width) • Only in electronic format (.jpg file type) The name of the photo file will be the VAT number (eg 456789123.jpg).

The person concerned must not have been irrevocably sentenced to imprisonment or for theft, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, forgery, and robbery of false testimony, use of robbery of false testimony, infidelity, bribery, extortion, oppression, and breach of duty, crimes of morality, defamation, defamation, defamation, defamation, and drug trafficking legislation.

The applicant must: a. be a member of the OEE or b. hold a degree from a University Department of Economics or c. hold a degree from a Department of Economics of the School of Management and Economics of a Technological Educational Institute (TEI) or d. be a natural person who meets the requirements of professional qualifications of P.D. 38/2010 (GG 78/A/2010)

In addition to the supporting documents above and only for cases a, b, c and d, the interested party must have practiced the profession of a Class B Accountant/Tax Consultant for 3 years. Τhe duration of the previous service that the interested party must have acquired while practicing the profession of Class B Accountant/ Tax Consultant is reduced by a time equal to the duration of studies for obtaining the postgraduate degree in Accounting, Internal Audit, Costing and Business Administration

Fees / Imposts

  • Administrative fee
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic Post
    Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
  • Announcement request for upgrading to Class A accountant
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital)
    The Member Registration number of the interested party is indicated in the Application / Solemn Declaration (ex officio search of the data) In the event that the interested party: 1. works as a freelancer: In the Application - Solemn declaration the interested party declares his VAT number (official search for documentation) 2. is a partner in a company with an accounting object: In the Application - Solemn declaration the interested party declares the company VAT number and the companys articles of association. (ex officio search for documentation)
Announcement for the upgrade to a Class A Accountant / Tax Consultant
What you will need
1Excerpt from a general use criminal record or equivalent document, when the person concerned has the citizenship of another EU member state.Certificate from a court
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Sought ex-officio when issued by a Greek authority
2Copy of the Decision on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of a B-Class Tax Accountant by the Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (S.A.E.P.)Proof
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
3In cases where it has been acquired abroad, the official exchange rate from D.O.A.T.A.P. (NARIC) is also submitted, as well as the detailed grade of the courses.Proof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
4Copy of diploma from the School of Administration and Economics of TEI, of the Departments of Economics.Proof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
5In the event that the interested party works as an employee: Copy of the insured persons account at the Single Social Security Fund.Proof of Previous Service
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Applicant status
6Photo ID type in electronic format (cd) or e-mail. It is noted that they are sent via e-mail with the file name of the tax identification number of the interested party.Proof of Citizenship
Filed by
Ex officio (manual)


  • Description
    Application form - Inclusion in K.E.P.-E.K.E.
  • Description
    Practice of the profession of Tax Accountant
  • Description
    Establishment of O.E.E.
  • Description
    Recognition of professional qualifications
  • Description
    Professional identity of the Tax Accountant


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Appeal
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 272459

Name: Announcement for the upgrade to a Class A Accountant / Tax Consultant