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Notification of Operation of a Vehicle Roadside Assistance Company

Basic information

Institutional Body



The procedure concerns the initial notification of the operation of a vehicle roadside assistance company and the notification of changes.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units
Digital provision points
Number of Documents0
Cost50 €
Deadline of Implementation1 day
Process Diagram


Prior notification is required to start a vehicle roadside assistance business. The roadside assistance undertaking shall keep the supporting documents and proof of notification at the place of business.

The road assistance operation shall cover the Regional Units where it operates either by its own means or by road assistance partners with whom it has a cooperation agreement.

The roadside assistance company has commenced operation with the competent tax authority for the activity of roadside assistance of vehicles.

Road assistance requirements: The road assistance undertaking has at least one (1) private vehicle (platform, crane) per continental regional unit of activity as well as in the islands operating, weighing more than four (4) tons, which has an installed geo-location system (GPS). Except for the above minimum mandatory vehicles, the road assistance undertaking may have an unlimited number of vehicles (such as cars, lorries or bicycles). Road assistance vehicles are wholly owned by the road assistance undertaking or are held with the retention of ownership or rental or leasing contract. If the undertaking is only a road assistance undertaking of heavy good vehicles, then, instead of the above vehicle, it must have at least one truck of above ten (19) tons (platform, crane).

Conditions for staging and transhipment areas: The company must have at least one stay and transhipment station in each Regional Unit of mainland Greece, as well as in the islands that operates. The accommodation and transhipment station must have: a) ground floor space for office and waiting room, capable of taking passengers; b) at least one WC; c) at least one telephone connection; d) wireless communication device with road assistance vehicles; f) housed ground floor area of a competent area, with inspection or lifting machine, g) parking area for the vehicle of the undertaking.

The road assistance undertaking shall have a 24-hour call centre with call recordings.

The non-insurance company of road assistance shall have individual or group occupational liability insurance against its customers for physical damage and material damage to the provision of road assistance services. Professional liability insurance covers the business, its premises and the staff and equipment it uses. The minimum amount of cover per accident is set equal to the amount of cover for liability in the event of an automobile accident pursuant to Article 6 of PD 237/1986 (A 110).

The natural person who is the operator of the activity or the natural persons representing the legal person must not have been irrevocably convicted of smuggling, trafficking or use of drugs, human trafficking, intentional homicide, attempted homicide, fraud, theft, forgery, use of forged documents, robbery, desertion, embezzlement, usury, bribery.

Conditions for technical staff: The roadside assistance company shall employ at least the following technical staff on a full-time or part-time basis, in any form of employment relationship and under full-time or part-time contracts: (a) A director of the technical department, a mechanical engineer, a graduate of a higher or higher school, who provides his services mainly at the headquarters of the company. (b) In each continental Regional Unit, in the Regional Units of Crete and in the islands of Euboea, Rhodes, Lesvos, Zakynthos, Kefalonia, Chios, Kos where it operates there must be at least four employees of whom at least 50% are specialised engineers or electrician drivers and the rest drivers. (c) Companies offering roadside assistance on islands other than those mentioned above must have at least two employees of which at least 50% must be qualified as mechanics or electricians and the rest as drivers. (d) One mechanic or electrician driver in the at its disposal. The minimum technical staff may include and count the owner or owners of the business, provided they have the qualifications of article 2 of Law no. 3651/2006. For the calculation of the minimum number of staff, the Regional Units of the Central, North and South Sector, Western Sector and Southern Sector of the Region of Attica (former Prefecture of Athens) shall be counted as one Regional Unit.

Mechanical or electrical drivers must have at least the following qualifications: (a) A driving licence of a category appropriate to the type of vehicle they drive, and (b) Two years of proven pre-service to a workshop in a motor vehicle as an engineer or automobile electrode If they have at least one lower technical school degree, they must have a pre-service of at least one (1) year. If they have at least one higher technical school degree there is no need for previous work experience.

The manager of the technical department of the vehicle roadside assistance company must be a mechanical engineer, a graduate of a higher or university college.

Fees / Imposts

  • Administrative fee category: Various Categories (roadside assistance other than insurance). The e-Administrative fee code differs according to the region to be selected.
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic Post
    e-Administrative Fee
  • Notification of roadside assistance insurance undertaking.
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic Post
    e-Administrative Fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
    Notification of Operation of a Vehicle Roadside Assistance Company
    What you will need
    1Proof of submission of notification.Certificate
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    It is automatically issued by the electronic system (in case of submission to or issued by the competent Transport and Communications Directorate of the Region or the KEP-EKE or the Bank of Greece, as appropriate.
    2Supporting documents relating to the business: Certificate of insurance coverage.Proof of Insurance
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    Certificate of insurance coverage issued by the insurance company indicating the assets of the insurance policy, the risks insured, the duration and the amounts to be covered in accordance with Article 2(1) par. 1(d) of Law 3651/2008 (A’44).
    3Documents concerning the operation: Copy of the cooperation contract with partnersPrivate Agreement
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    This supporting document is required, if the road assistance company covers the Regional Units where it operates with partners with whom it has a cooperation contract.
    4Supporting documents relating to the business: Proof of payment of the administrative feeProof of payment / Receipt
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    5Supporting documents relating to the business: The legal documents showing, where applicable, the legal establishment, purpose and representation of the legal person.Legal documents from legal entities
    Filed by
    Ex officio (digital)Keep within business establishment
    If the automatical search for legal documents through the General Commercial Register is possible, the competent authority shall seek the documents on its own initiative.
    6Documents concerning the company: Printing of personalised information by myAADE.Proof of Tax number
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    PrintING OF Personalised Information by myAADE showing the start date of business activities
    7Supporting documents concerning the staff: Copy of applicable staff statusTable/Statement/Catalogue
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    The status of staff must be legally registered in the ERGANI system.
    8Supporting documents for staff: Table showing the distribution of staff by Regional Unit of activity of the enterpriseTable/Statement/Catalogue
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    9Supporting documents relating to staff: The documents proving that the mechanic or electrician drivers have the minimum qualifications of Law 3651/2008, namely: (a) a driving licence of similar category according to the type of vehicle they drive and (b) at least two years of proven previous experience in a workshop as an engineer or electrician driver. If they have a degree from a lower technical school, they must have a pre-service of at least one year. If they have a degree from a higher technical school, previous experience is not required.Proof of Previous Service
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    10Supporting Documents related to staff: Documents proving that the technical director has the minimum qualifications required by Law 3651/2008 i.e. a degree in engineering in higher education or higher education.Proof of Study
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    11Documents relating to each residence and transhipment station: Main use area assurance by private engineerEnvironmental Compliance Receipt
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    Confirmation of an area of primary use by a private engineer pursuant to Article 8 of Law 4495/2017, which states the precise location of the property, the total area of the main area following the Annexes thereto, the land use certificate by the relevant Building Service and expressly confirms that the site is legally existing in relation to the construction and use of a road assistance operation and meets all conditions for operating as a road assistance undertaking, in accordance with the applicable building and building regulation, the fire protection regulation, the applicable general and specific urban provisions, as well as the building specifications of the legislation specific to that activity. This certificate is accompanied by: I) copies of all public documents relating to the building aid scheme (building permit, revision or updating of building permit, approval of small-scale building works, decision on exemption from demolition, legalisation permit, certificate completion of the procedure of inclusion in the provisions of suspension of the imposition of penalties or confirmation of payment of 30% of the single special fine, etc.), II) copies of approved floor plans of the premises where the vehicle roadside assistance business is to operate, showing all its premises. If, due to building specifications, it is necessary to depict additional elements on the above approved plans, it is possible to reproduce them on the above copies under the responsibility of the private engineer or to draw up a new plan to accompany the above copy. The copies of the approved floor plans are taken either from the e-Permits information system for issuing building permits, or from the information system for the declaration of unauthorised buildings, or from the paper file of the Building Service, depending on the type of legal act referred to in case (I) above (electronic or paper). Specifically for vehicle roadside assistance businesses already operating with a certificate of legal operation or a license that submit a notification due to a change of element pursuant to Article 213 par. 1 of Law 4442/2016, the supporting document of the certificate of the main use of the premises is not required.
    12Supporting documents relating to vehicles: Copies of the registration certificates of the trucks with a gross vehicle weight of over 4 tons that it owns.Permit
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    In order to issue the notification, the road assistance undertaking must have issued marketing authorisations for the minimum number of trucks referred to in Article 2 of Law 3651/2008 as referred to in the relevant conditions. For the issue of authorisations for private use of road assistance, prior to the submission of the notification, the road assistance undertaking shall submit to the Transport and Communications Directorate of its head office a declaration of commencement of work by the competent economic service and a declaration that it shall indicate: ‘(a) the undertaking shall provide road assistance services in accordance with Law 3651/2008 and Law 4442/2016 and (b) the vehicle with a framework number (or registration number) ...... ... will be put into circulation as a private road assistance truck after the submission of the notice of commencement of operation of the road assistance operation under the name ......... and after the replacement of the registration form (order of issue of an authorisation No.2885).
    13Copy of a generic criminal recordCriminal Record Copy for General Use
    Filed by
    Ex officio (digital)
    A copy of a generic criminal record of the natural person who is the entity of the activity or natural persons representing the legal person, showing that they have not been convicted of smuggling, trafficking or use of drugs, trafficking in human beings, intentional manslaughter, attempted homicide, fraud, theft, forgery, use of false document, robbery, liberation, misappropriation, embezzlement, usury, bribery.
    14Documents concerning the undertaking: Road transport operator’s authorisation to drive Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009Permit
    Filed by
    Keep within business establishment
    Applicant status
    Legal entitiesPersons
    A licence to engage in the occupation of road haulage operator is required if the roadside assistance undertaking operates public service vehicles.

    Online request

    Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


    • Description
      Law 3651/2008 (VAT A 44) as amended by Article 216 of Law 4512/2018 (VAT A 5).
      Legal references
    • Description
      New institutional framework for the economic activity and other provisions, as amended by Article 3 of Law 4811/2021 (FEK A 108) adding new Chapter L (Articles 206-214) ‘Simplification of framework for the establishment and operation of road assistance operations for road vehicles and road assistance partners’.
      Legal references
    • Description
      Establishment of a procedure, content and supporting documents, infringements and sanctions for the communication of the operation of road assistance operations and of road assistance partners.
      Legal references


    Process code
    NACE code
    Description of NACE code
    Service activities incidental to land transportation

    Other Information

    Languages supported


    Prior notification is required to start a vehicle roadside assistance business. The notification shall be submitted to the Directorate of Transport and Communications of the Regional Unit of the seat of the roadside assistance undertaking. If the roadside assistance company is also an insurance company, the notification shall be submitted to the Bank of Greece. The notification shall include the necessary information on the activity carried out and shall be submitted by the operator of the activity, who shall be solely responsible for the information contained therein. No supporting documents shall be submitted with the notification. The undertaking shall keep the supporting documents and proof of submission of the notification at the place where the activity is carried out. Once the notification has been submitted, the undertaking may commence operations. If the elements of the notification of the roadside assistance undertakings notification of operation are to be changed, including the change of station, the addition of a new station or the discontinuation of a stopping and transhipment station, the undertaking shall be required to give prior notification of the intended change by following the initial notification procedure. If the change consists of a change in the operator of the activity, the old and the new operator of the activity shall each give notification of the change within ten (10) days following the change.

    ID: 236384

    Name: Notification of Operation of a Vehicle Roadside Assistance Company