Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Electric Arc Welder Chief Technician Licence of Class B
Basic information
Institutional Body
The procedure for obtaining a licence for an architect of an electric welding machine in order is composed of three parts which are: * First Part - Approval of participation in an examination by the Committee of the competent region for the acquisition of a B class electroplating licence with a final stage in the inclusion of candidates in an examination programme.
At a glance
Points of Service | Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Development Directorate / Profession Department of the Region of the place of professional establishment or place of permanent residence |
Number of Documents | 0 |
Cost | 135 € |
Deadline of Implementation | 2 months |
Process Diagram |
Fees / Imposts
- It concerns part 1 of the procedure for authorising participation in exams from the Committee of Inquiry in the relevant region for the purpose of obtaining a licence for an artisan of beta class 23 €Payment typeBank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic PostTypeAdministrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)
- It concerns part 1 of the procedure for authorising participation in examinations by the Committee of the regions responsible for obtaining a licence for the master of beta-glucose electroplate and covers, in particular, participation in the theoretical examination of the 2nd part of this procedure €33.Payment typeBank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic PostTypeAdministrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)
- It concerns part 1 of the procedure for authorising participation in examinations by the Committee of the regions responsible for obtaining a licence for the master of beta-glucose electroplate and covers, in particular, participation in the practical examination of the 2nd part of this procedure €79.Payment typeBank cashierDigital (debit / credit card)Digital (web banking)Hellenic PostTypeAdministrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)
What you will need
- Application - Responsible Statement of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986.Filed bySubmitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)Applicant statusPersons

Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Electric Arc Welder Chief Technician Licence of Class B
What you will need
- DescriptionAppointment of a Regional Committee for the Examination of Urban RegionsLegal references
- DescriptionCompensation for the Committees of InquiryLegal references
- DescriptionIntegration into EICsLegal references
- DescriptionIntegration into EICsLegal references
- DescriptionIrregularities for issuing licencesLegal references
- DescriptionAuthorisation of examination bodies for the authorisation of technical professions.Legal references
- DescriptionProceedings and examinations of Oxygen Welders — Oxygen Welders of Annex D/ Amendments: - L. 4605/2019 (L.P.K. 52/A/2019) par. No. 18 - Amendment No. 2 No. 411/14/F.V. 411/14/C..9.4./2013 (Order Committee of Inquiry) - C.C. 5571/379/C.9.64/2013 (L.C. 10228/B.2013) cf. 1 - Amendment No. 1 - Amendment No. 5 No. 411/14/C. 411/14/C.9.6.4./2013 (Previous Service Practice), par. 2 - Amendment No. 411/14/C.9.4./2013 (Appendices)Legal references
- DescriptionVocational training programmesLegal references
- DescriptionRequirements - Justifications - Procedure - Controls / Amendments: - L. 4712/2020 (Law 146/A/2020) - Amendment No. 34 - Amendment No. 3, 4 No. 7 of p. 115/2012 (information of a single register of persons and visas) - L. 4605/2019 (Law No. 52/A/202019) par. 1 - Add No. 12 No. 6 to p. 115/2012 (Constitution of a collective body for the purpose of drawing up a practical service in the event of a non-establishment of an examination committee in the region, - Amendment No. 1c No. 18 of a level of equal qualifications and corresponding qualification) - Amendment No. 165/2012 (Additional qualifications) - L. 4608/2019 (Law No. 116/2014) para. 2 - Amendment No. 2, No. 18 of B. 115/2012 (Raw No. 124/2012) - Replacement No.Legal references
- DescriptionΑδειοδότηση τεχνικών επαγγελματικών δραστηριοτήτων - Διαδικασία - Ορισμοί -Πεδίο αρμοδιότητας / Τροποποιήσεις: - Νόμος 4811/2021 (ΦΕΚ 108/Α/2021) αρ. 35 - Τροποποίηση του άρθρου 5 του ν. 3982/2011 (έκδοση αδειών και βεβαιώσεων αναγγελίας, εκπροσώπηση φορέων στις εξεταστικές επιτροπές) - Ν. 4403/2016 (ΦΕΚ 125/Α/2016) παρ. 1 αρ. 15 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 8 αρ. 5 του ν. 3982/2011 (Περίπτωση μη συγκρότησης Εξεταστικής Επιτροπής σε μία Περιφέρεια) - Ν. 4254/2014 (ΦΕΚ 85/Α/2014) παρ. 1 υποπαρ. ΣΤ23 αρ.1 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 3-6 του άρθρου 2 του ν. 3982/2011 (Ορισμοί), παρ. 2 υποπαρ. ΣΤ23 αρ. 1 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 1 αρ. 3 του ν. 3982/2011 (Πεδίο εφαρμογής), παρ. 5 υποπαρ. ΣΤ23 αρ. 1 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 2 αρ. 16 του ν. 3982/2011 (Καταργούμενες διατάξεις), παρ. 4 υποπαρ. ΣΤ23 αρ. 1 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 11 αρ. 4 του ν. 3982/2011 (Υποχρέωση έκδοσης Βεβαιώσεων Αναγγελίας) - ΕΓΚΥΚΛΙΟΣ οικ.10069/52/ΦΓ.6.19/28-01-2016 (ΑΔΑ: Ω19Ξ4653ο7-ΘΜΥ) σηµείο 3γ) της υποπαρ. ΣΤ23 του ν.4254/14 - Διευκρινήσεις για τη χορήγηση βεβαίωσης αναγγελίας σε όλους τους διπλωματούχους μηχανικούς - Ν. 4072/2012 (ΦΕΚ 86/Α/2012) παρ. 1 αρ. 228 - Τροποποίηση με του αρ. 1 του ν. 3982/2011 (Σκοπός), παρ. 3 αρ. 228 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 5 αρ. 2 του ν. 3982/2011 (Ορισμοί), παρ. 4 αρ. 228 - Τροποποίηση παρ. 1 αρ. 3 του ν. 3982/2011 (Πεδίο εφαρμογής), παρ. 5 αρ. 228 - Τροποποίηση αρ. 4Α του ν. 3982/2011 (Απαιτήσεις για την ίδρυση, την επέκταση, τη λειτουργία και τον έλεγχο εγκαταστάσεων), παρ. 6 αρ. 228 - Τροποποίηση αρ. 16 του ν. 3982/2011 (Καταργούμενες διατάξεις).Legal references
At the time of the authorisation to participate in an examination, in the event of the expiry of a time limit of 15 days for the verification of completeness of the supporting documents, the applicant’s application shall be deemed to have been implicitly accepted, in accordance with Article 14(4) of Law No.3844/2010 (Law No.384/2010 (Law No. 63/A/3-5-2010). The person concerned in the above-mentioned case of the implied authorisation may request the confirmation from the Immediate Authority, in accordance with Article 10(4) of Law No.3230/2004 (Law No. 44/A/11.02.2004).
Other Information
The deadline for implementation is to issue a licence to the author of an electroplier in order to carry out a professional activity.