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Powderman and Blaster's licence of Class 1

Basic information

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Organizational unit of an institutional body



This is the procedure through which a Category 1 powderman - blaster licence is granted. * A Category 1 powderman - blaster is a natural person who possesses and uses explosives to charge and detonate drill holes exclusively in Category 1 works, i.e. works and activities carried out within mining and quarrying sites using explosives. * The procedure starts with the submission by the interested party of an application for an examination for a Category 1 powderman - blaster licence to the competent Region, accompanied by the documents required as appropriate. * The file is then forwarded by the local Regions to the competent department of the Ministry of the Environment for the scheduling and organisation of the examinations. * Once the applicant has successfully taken the examinations, the competent Region is informed of the results of the examinations, with a view to granting the requested licence in the form of a booklet.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Department of Mines Inspection
Number of Documents0
Cost200 €
Deadline of Implementation6 months
Process Diagram


All candidates for the licence of a powderman - blaster must be between 18-65 years of age.

For licensed engineers - i.e. qualified mining engineers - metallurgical engineers or qualified engineers of mineral resources or qualified engineers of other equivalent and corresponding to the above mentioned specialties, as defined each time by the Technical Chamber and the applicable legislation - are not required to obtain the special licenses of Article 108, of the Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette B΄1227/2011), for the performance of the works corresponding to their specialisation, which must, however, be carried out exclusively for trial or experimental purposes or in the case of serious hazardous situations or risks.

Candidates for a powderman - blaster licence must have previous experience as an assistant in the relevant position and type of work as follows: - 400 days service - in the case of holding or obtaining a certificate of vocational training or a diploma of lower technical education, 200 days service, - in the case of holding or obtaining a diploma from a secondary technical school in a relevant field, 100 days service. - the abovementioned requirements shall be reduced by half in the case of candidates for a gum-makers licence who already hold one of the licences referred to in Article 108(4) of the Ministerial Decision (Government Gazette B΄1227/2011).

In order for the Powderman - Blasters licence to be valid for simple or electric detonations, at least half of the experience required in each case must have been spent in work using similar electric detonators.

The service attested during the period of military service in the Mixed Reconstruction Machinery Teams (MOMA) in work with the use of explosives shall be counted in full as previous service, while service in the use of explosives in general shall be counted as prior service by half and up to a maximum of 300 days service.

Prior service for the purpose of obtaining a powderman - blasters licence is taken into account when it has been completed after the age of 17.

Graduates of Technical Educational Institutes (TEI) specializing in Mining Technologists, are granted a 1st category powderman - blaster license, after attesting at least one (1) year of experience in projects of this category.

The powderman - blasters license for works of the 1st category is granted, after examinations, by the competent Mining Inspectorate in accordance with the applicable provisions and the required qualifications, provided for in the current Mining and Quarrying Regulation and based on the required documents described in Article 9 of the decision (Government Gazette B΄1227/2011).

he candidates are required to submit a solemn declaration stating that they do not fall under the prohibitive provisions of article 18 of Law 2168/1993 and that they are not absconders or fugitives. At the same time a Criminal Record Certificate is retrieved ex officio.

Fees / Imposts

  • For the granting of the professional licenses for powderman-blaster provided for in the Mining and Quarrying Operations Regulation (abbreviation: KMLE) the allocation of the fee is as follows: 50% to the Analytical Revenue Account (ΑΛΕ) no. 1450189001 (formerly Revenue Code Number - KAE 3741) and 50% ΑΛΕ no. 1450108001 (formerly KAE 3753)
    Fee code
    Payment type
    Bank cashierDigital (web banking)Tax Office cashier
    e-Administrative Fee

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification document
  • Application with full identification details
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    The acquisition of a permit for the works referred to in article 108 of the Mining and Quarrying Operations Regulation (abbreviation: KMLE) is subject to a special examination carried out by the competent Mining Inspectorate. Those interested must submit an application for examination to the competent Region where the project that they are engaged in is located or, if they are not working, the place of their permanent residence, in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision No. 2254/230/Φ6.9 (Government Gazette B73/1995), entitled Conditions, procedure and supporting documents required for the granting of a licence as a powderman - blaster for drilling holes with explosives, as in force. In all other respects, the provisions of the abovementioned Joint Ministerial Decision, as applicable, shall apply to the acquisition of the licence. The application must be accompanied by the supporting documents required, as detailed in the relevant section.
    Applicant status
Powderman and Blaster's licence of Class 1
What you will need
1Two recent photosPhotograph
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
2The procedure involves the issuance of an electronic solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit an administrative authority or Citizens Service Centre (KEP).Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
3A solemn declaration by the applicant stating that they do not fall under the prohibitive provisions of article 18 of Law 2168/93 and that they are not an absconder or fugitive.Solemn Declaration
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
4A certificate from a neurologist - psychiatrist or a general practitioner related to the applicants mental health status.Expert Evaluation
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
This certificate is handed over by the doctor to the examinee in a sealed envelope, which the latter submits to the competent Region along with their application. The licencing authorith shall check that the envelope has not been unsealed and shall not receive a certificate in a tampered envelope.
5Copy of type A Criminal Record, in accordance with the provisions of article 575 of the Criminal Procedure CodeCriminal Record Copy for General Use
Filed by
Ex officio (manual)
The copy of the Criminal Record is retrieved by the relevant Regional Service, through the competent Security Directorates or Police Directorates. The Police Authority, after receiving a copy of the candidates application, requests a Copy of the Criminal Record from the competent Public Prosecutors Office, which is then forwarded to the relevant Regional Service, with observations based on the contents of the Record and the information held by the Service.
6A duplicate of the receipt of the Public Treasury, as defined by the provisions in force, and the stamps required by law for the stamping of the licenceProof of payment / Receipt
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
7Certificates of StudiesProof of Study
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
8Certificates of Prior Experience or other evidence of such experience as appropriateProof of Previous Service
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
* Prior experience must be proven by the relevant certificates, which must include: ** the details of the employer ** the details of the employee ** the location of the works on which the candidate has worked ** the type of works in which the candidate was employed ** the exact period of employment, in terms of days service, in each speciality, with an indication of the corresponding dates. * The certificates of prior service should be certified for authenticity of signature and accuracy of content, by the work supervisor or, in the absence thereof, by the local Police Authority. If the above certificates of prior service cannot be validated, their acceptance or inadmissibility shall be decided by the competent Committee referred to in Article 110(3). If the above certificates cannot be validated, any additional proof of prior service may be requested, the acceptance of which shall be decided in accordance with the above procedure. * The certificates of prior service and other proofs of such service shall have the status of a Solemn Declaration before a Public Authority, and in the case of incorrect or false information, the offenders shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Penal Code. ** i. Candidates for a powderman - blasters license must have prior experience as an assistant in the corresponding position and type of work of four hundred (400) paydays ** ii. In the case of holding or obtaining a certificate of vocational training or a diploma of lower technical education, experience as above of two hundred (200) paydays is required, ** iii. In the case of holding or obtaining a diploma from a secondary technical school in a relevant field of specialisation, one hundred (100) days service is required. ** iv. The above requirements shall be reduced by half for applicants who already hold a license, from those listed in Article 108 par. (4) of the Mining and Quarrying Operations Regulation (abbreviation: KMLE). ** v. If the applicant is a graduate of higher schools or holds a degree from a higher technical school, they shall submit the same supporting documents except for the certificates of prior experience, which shall be replaced by the following: ***(a) evidence (contracts - statements of assignment, statements of commissioning, tax certificates, etc.) proving the duration of exercise of their profession and the time spent working on specific works. ***b) A solemn declaration by the interested party, in accordance with Article 8 of Law 1599/86, indicating the specific works in which explosives were used and from which the necessary knowledge on the charging and detonation of drill holes was acquired, as well as the applicants details.

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    Conditions, procedure and supporting documents required for the granting of a licence as a powderman - blaster of drills with explosive charges.
    Legal references
  • Description
    Supplement and amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision οικ. 2254/230/F.6.9/21.12.1994 (Government Gazette B73/95) "Conditions, procedure and supporting documents required for the granting of a licence to a powderman - blaster of drilling holes with explosive charges"
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision οικ. 2254/230/Φ.6.9/21.12.1994 (Government Gazette B73/95) "Conditions, procedure and supporting documents required for the granting of a licence to a powderman - blaster of drilling holes with explosive charges"
    Legal references
  • Description
    Amendment of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. Δ7/B/Οικ.13803/Γ.Δ.ΦΠ4213/4-8-2004 of the Ministers of Economy - Finance and Development "Establishment of monetary compensation (fee) for the granting of any permit or approval or right provided for by the Mining and Quarrying Legislation" (Government Gazette 1228/B/11-8-2004)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Determination of the types and amounts of the fees required for the granting of any authorisation provided for by Law No. 4512/2018 or the mining and quarrying legislation in general, as well as the exercise of any appeal before the Minister of Environment and Energy
    Legal references
  • Description
    Mining and Quarrying Operations Regulation (abbreviation: KMLE)
    Legal references
  • Description
    New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralised Administration - Kallikrates Programme
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Support activities for other mining and quarrying

Other Information

Languages supported


The completion time depends on the frequency of carrying out examinations by the competent committee. It is estimated at six months from the submission of the application while no specific deadlines are foreseen. In case of failure, the applicant has the right to a re-examination. The first re-examination can be held after a two-month period, the second after 2 two-month periods, the third after 4 two-month periods, the fourth after 8 two-month periods and the fifth after 12 two-month periods, from the two-month period of the initial examination and thereafter after one two-month period from the previous re-examination, in accordance with paragraph 7 of article 110 of the Δ7/A/οικ.12050/2223/23.05.2011 (Government Gazette B΄1227) Decision of the Deputy Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, entitled "Mining and Quarrying Operations Regulation" (abbreviation: KMLE).

ID: 130414

Name: Powderman and Blaster's licence of Class 1