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Approval of Establishment of Laboratories for Meat Slicing and Standardization, as well as for Meat Preparations from Ungulates and Poultry

Basic information

Institutional Body


Organizational unit of an institutional body



The procedure concerns the approval of establishment of laboratories for meat slicing and for standardization, as well as for meat preparations from ungulates and poultry. The established meat slicing and standardization laboratories are facilities used for meat slicing, boning, meat processing, meat packaging, minced meat production, production of meat products and their freezing. It is noted that another code is required for ungulate meat and another for poultry.

At a glance

Points of ServicePoints of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regions, Regional Departments of Rural Economy and Veterinary - DAOK, HELLENIC FOOD AUTHORITY (E.F.E.T.)
Number of Documents0
CostProvided without cost
Deadline of Implementation2 months
Process Diagram


Business formation (individual, corporate) *For company establishment see the link below

All prerequisites related to the construction, layout (arrangement) and equipment must be in accordance with the institutional framework

What you will need

Identification and signature verification means
Identification with TAXISnet codes, Identification document
  • Application Submission – Solemn Declaration
    Filed by
    Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
    Application Submission – Solemn Declaration, where the following are stated: the name and surname of the natural person or the official name of the legal person, the residential address of the natural person or the registered office of the legal person, and the Tax Registration Number (ΑΦΜ) of the natural or legal person · the trademark of the food business, if any ,the location of the unit, the activity of the company.
    Applicant status
    Persons, Legal entities
Approval of Establishment of Laboratories for Meat Slicing and Standardization, as well as for Meat Preparations from Ungulates and Poultry
What you will need
1A general plan, floor plan of the establishment with a detailed illustration and description of the premises and its basic equipment.Floor plan
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
PersonsLegal entities
2An accurate description of the activity of the company, with a special reference to capacity, type of raw material and final products.Report
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
PersonsLegal entities
3The necessary per case documents which prove the identity details of the applicant.Official document
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
4The necessary documents which prove the identity details of the applicant, and the legal documents that prove the legal representation of the company.Legal documents from legal entities
Filed by
Submitted by the applicant (digital)Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Applicant status
Legal entities
Any data registered in GEMI database are searched ex officio.

Online request

Submit a new application for the selected procedure.


  • Description
    Simplification of the framework on activities regarding food processing and regarding related activities; standardization of the procedures regarding notification of the operation of the company. Amendment: - MD 5540/71/Φ15/2018 (GG Β 60), Article 2 - Amendment of case βγ) of par. 1 of Article 7 of JMD 32790/2017 (Amendment of the provision regarding the required document of the floor plan, which must be maintained in the folder/file obtaining all necessary documentation throughout the operation of the facility).
    Legal references
  • Description
    Reasons relating to the public interest, facilitation of the application submission via ΚΕP-ΕΚΕ
    Legal references
  • Description
    Prerequisites and implementation of EU regulations, procedure Amendment: - Law 4587/2018 (GG Α 218), Article 16 - Amendment of Article 2 of P.D. 79/2007 (definitions) - Amendment of Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) - Amendment of Article 12 του Π.Δ. 79/2007 (Formal/Official Audits) · Law 4472/2017 (GG Α 74), Article 122 – Amendment of Article 3 P.D. 79/2007 (Veterinary Authorities) -Amendment of Article 5 of P.D. 79/2007 (Registration of the estab-lishment) -Amendment of Article 6 of P.D. 79/2007 (Approval of the establishment) · Law 4235/2014 (GG Α 32), Article 64 par.11 – Abolishment of Article 11 of P.D. 79/2007 (Revocation/Suspension of Approval) - Abolishment of Article 13 of P.D. 79/2007 (Procedures for imposing measures in case of non-compliance) - Abolishment of Article 29 of P.D. 79/2007 (Penalties) · Law 3955/2011 (GG Α 89), Article 11 – Transfer of responsibilities of Article 3 of P.D. 79/2007 from ΕFΕΤ to the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, and to the Veterinary Services within the local government (O.T.A. - A & B level)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Required documents, procedure, responsibilities related to the approval Amendment: - MD 1288/2017 (GG Β 1763), Article 1 – Amending Article 2 of MD 15523/2006 (Central Competent Authorities) -Abolishment of Article 4 of MD 15523/2006 (License for operation) - Replacement of Article 5 of MD 15523/2006 (Registration of establishment) - Replacement of Article 6 of MD 15523/2006 (Approval of establishment) - Replacement of Article 7 of MD 15523/2006 (Conditional Approval)
    Legal references
  • Description
    Regulations (ΕP) 178/2002, 852/2004, 853/2004, 854/2004 and 882/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council (hygiene rules for food of animal origin, controls, harmonization of veterinary legislation with 2004/41/EC Directive of the EP and the Council)
    Legal references
  • Description
    About hygiene of food
    Legal references
  • Description
    Delineation of special hygiene rules for food of animal origin
    Legal references


Process code
NACE code
Description of NACE code
Processing and preserving of meat
Legal means of protection or appeal
Other Administrative redress / appeal
Rules for non-response by the competent authority and legal consequences
Tacit approval

After the above deadline, the approval is presumed to be granted.

Other Information

Languages supported

ID: 106469

Name: Approval of Establishment of Laboratories for Meat Slicing and Standardization, as well as for Meat Preparations from Ungulates and Poultry